About the Journal

Statement of purpose

Computing in Geometry and Topology aims to support the broader computational geometry and topology community by being a peer-reviewed scientific journal that provides diamond open access. Computing in Geometry and Topology is sponsored by the Society for Computational Geometry.

With the broader computational geometry and topology community, we include researchers in discrete and combinatorial geometry, and any application area of computational geometry and topology. We also include algorithm engineering for geometric computations.

The journal publishes two types of papers. Firstly, the journal publishes original research of sufficient depth and interest. Secondly, the journal publishes high-quality survey papers. Every paper has been thoroughly reviewed by experts in the area.

To emphasize the breadth of the interpretation of computational geometry and topology, the editorial board has different sections that represent the algorithmic and mathematical aspects, the applied aspects, and the engineering aspects.


A zip-file with the journal style can be downloaded here.

CGT – Computing in Geometry and Topoloy (ISSN 2750-7823)